

Name of centre: Kanpur

Year of start: April, 23rd, 1970

University / Department: Section of Rabi Cereals, C.S. Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech., Kanpur- 208002.

Importance of the centre

Kanpur being the oldest centre is actively engaged in research activities in Wheat & Barley with establishment Section of Economic Botanist (Rabi Cereals) as early as 1905. This activity got further momentum with sanction of breeding for rust resistant in wheat in 1956 later on to strengthen the ongoing programme an all India Coordinated Wheat improvement Project has been sanctioned by ICAR New Delhi during 1970. Since then this centre has developed 42 wheat varieties till date for general cultivation under different agro-climate conditions. Popular varieties developed during last fifteen years as follow:


S.No. Varieties Year Productivity


1. Indra (K8962) 1996 30-35 Rainfed Late Sown
2. Deva (K9107) 1996 45-50 Timely Sown Irrigated
3. Gomti (K9465) 1998 30-35 Rainfed Late Sown
4. Atal (K9644) 2000 35-40 Rainfed timely Sown
5. Halna (K 7903) 2002 30-45 Late / Very Late Sown Irrigated
6. Gangotri (K9162) 1998 40-45 Late Sown Irrigated
7. Prasad (K8434) 2002 45-50 Timely Sown Irrigated (S/A)
8. Unnat Halna (K 9423) 2004 35-45 Late / Very Late Sown Irrigated
9. Naina (K 9533) 2002 40-45 Late Sown Irrigated
10 Mandakini (K 9351) 2005 30-35 Rainfed Late Sown
11. Satabdi (K 0307) 2007 60-65 Timely Sown Irrigated
12. Sona (K D9851) 2009 30-35 Timely Sown Irrigated (Bundelkhand)
13. Mahi (K 0402) 2009 60-65 Timely Sown Irrigated
14. G. Halan (K 0424) 2010 35-45 Late / Very Late Sown Irrigated
15. Mamta(K 0607) 2011 55-60 Timely Sown Irrigated


S.No. Varieties Year Productivity


1. Pragati (K508) 1996 34-40 Malt Purposes, irrigated


2. Preeti (K409) 1997 35-40 Irrigated Condition
3. Haritma (K 560) 1997 30-35 For Rainfed condition
4. Ritambhara (K551) 1997 40-45 Malt Purposes, irrigated
5. Narmada( K603) 2000 35-40 Rainfed condition


  1. Evaluation of coordinated material by conducting trials under different conditions.
  2. Collections, maintenance and evaluations of various germplasm.
  3. Development of high yielding disease (rust) resistant wheat varieties for different agro climatic conditions.
  4. Evaluation and screening of different nurseries for yield, disease resistance and abiotic
  5. To develop physiologically efficient genotypes for timely, late, very late and rainfed conditions.

Scientist Details:

Name Designation Phone Email Photograph
Dr Vijay Kumar Yadav Chief Cerealist and Officer In Charge,

Section of Rabi Cereals

(AICRP on W &B funded)

7376105454 (M) vkyadu@gmail.com


Dr P K Gupta Barley Breeder

(AICRP on W &B funded)

9415079601 (M) pkguptacsau@rediffmail.com
Dr Jitendra Kumar Wheat Entomologist

(AICRP on W &B funded)

9621633301 (M) jitendraento_csa@rediffmail.com
Dr Javed Bahar Khan Wheat Pathologist

(AICRP on W &B funded)

9415078468 (M) javedbahar.khan@gmail.com
Dr (Mrs) Meera Srivastava Junior Physiologist 9415483989 (M) drmeera18@gmail.com
Dr. Som Veer Singh Wheat Breeder


8765568776 (M) drsvsingh02@gmail.com